• Public 2.0 Beta Opens

    After months of development behind closed doors, with just myself and a hundred or so keen Finalist fans πŸ™ using it, version 2.0 is now available on the public TestFlight.

    It refines and expands what version 1.0 was striving to do, and extends it with native iPadOS and macOS versions of the app. This includes new themes, much richer Calendar integration, notes for Tasks, emojis for Lists, Reminders Lists integration, new navigation bars for Daily and Planner, and lots of small improvements across the board.

    I’d love to hear your feedback, the easiest way is via About page in the Settings tab.

    Wednesday July 17, 2024
  • Finalist 2 Beta

    Version 2.0 has been in private testing since April and I’m slowly opening up more seats. There’s lots to love in this new version, but I’ll keep the list of changes under wraps until the public beta starts.

    If you’d like to try Finalist 2 early and help shape this release just join the list below, I’ll be sending new invites every few days:

    Sunday June 2, 2024
  • Finalist 1.8: Pinned Lists πŸ“Œ

    Finalist now lets you pin any list from your Lists tab to Today. This is great for time-sensitive yet longer-running lists: whether you’re packing for a trip, visiting coffee shops in a new city or working through project tasks. Your pinned list will be there for you tomorrow, with completed items hidden to keep things tidy.

    The lists can be unpinned at any time, and you can have multiple lists pinned. Try it out and let me know how you like it!

    Monday April 22, 2024
  • Finalist 1.7: More Time

    Time is now intricately woven throughout Finalist for those who need it.

    When Finalist detects time in text it can automatically create calendar entries and manage them. If you postpone those tasks the calendar will automatically be updated. Tasks will even show a countdown just before they’re about to start.

    Reminders support in Finalist is more comprehensive as well: create them right inside Finalist, postpone and reschedule them like you do tasks and adding time to Reminders will set their due time so that you get a notification when the time is right.

    New to 1.7 is the Upcoming section: it shows high priority reminders and bookmarked tasks coming soon. You decide how far ahead you want to look. The new Search bar lets you find and edit both tasks and reminders. And as always, you’ll find many more under-the-hood performance and UI improvements.

    Thursday February 22, 2024
  • Finalist for visionOS is all set for Vision Pro release day. Here’s a peek of what it looks like!

    Tuesday January 30, 2024
  • Finalist 1.6: Now with Reminders

    Finalist now integrates with iOS Reminders - manage them just like your other tasks. Lots more in this update, including optional new flatter theme with even more colors, more iPad layouts, simpler Settings screen and tweaks and fixes to reported problems.

    Thursday January 11, 2024
  • Finalist is the fastest way to stay on top your daily dos. Get the latest version from the App Store. At the moment it’s available for iOS/iPadOS only. While it runs on macOS, the native macOS version is in private beta testing right now.

    To chat about features, beta testing and life in general follow Finalist on Threads.

    Sunday December 17, 2023
  • Finalist 1.6 Beta begins: dated Reminders can now be seen and managed in Finalist!

    See all your Reminders for a given day on the Daily tab, easily switch tasks into Reminders and vice versa, and edit Reminders without leaving Finalist. Beta is available at finalist.works/beta

    Friday December 15, 2023
  • Finalist 1.5: Lists power-up

    Finalist 1.5 adds new features and quality-of-life improvements. Find it on the App Store today.

    Firstly, Lists can now auto-sum! ⚑️ Try adding a leading or trailing price in your list items and you’ll see the total below. Currency symbol is optional, as you can also add generic quantities. The lists will keep leading and trailing amount tallies separate.

    To help you keep track of important tasks (think trips) you can now bookmark tasks and they’ll show up in the new Bookmarked tasks list. Along these lines, the toolbars and long-press menus have been simplified for easier access.

    And not to forget: when you delete tasks now, they’ll go into Deleted tasks list so you can change your mind later. 😬

    It’s all here: finalist.works/download/

    Saturday December 9, 2023
  • Black Friday, why not!

    For a very limited time get a year of Finalist for zero dollars. I hope you get as much out of it as I do, and please tell your friends πŸ™

    To get the free year, make sure to download Finalist then use the coupon FRIDAY. It expires soon, so go ahead and give Finalist a whirl!

    Thursday November 23, 2023
  • Finalist 1.4 In Technicolor

    The most requested feature has now just gone live in Finalist 1.4: more colors! 🌈

    Choose your own color for each tab in Finalist. Select from provided palettes or pick your own. All this can be found on the newly refreshed Settings tab. This new version also comes with lots of small improvements and fixes throughout. Let me know what you think!

    Thursday November 2, 2023
  • Finalist 1.3 Adds Weekly Planner, Outstanding Tasks

    Version 1.3 brings the new Weekly planner, in addition to the Monthly planner. Lists tab gets Outstanding Tasks list, showing you all the tasks that got missed. Widgets are all improved, with beautiful new StandBy widget. Finally, you’ll find lots of tweaks and improvements in this version - let me know how you find it!

    Monday October 16, 2023
  • Finalist 1.2 + iOS 17

    Finalist 1.2 is here to make your iOS 17 update (also out today) way more interesting. The new Interactive Widgets will let you complete your tasks without opening the app. This works very nicely in the new StandBy mode. Finalist also got more widget support across the board: several lock screen variants for iPhone and new-to-iPad larger lock screen widgets.

    You’ll also see hourly weather forecast inline on your Calendar Peek, very helpful when planning and reviewing your tasks. I’ve added more clipboard task import and export options (see … menu), new haptics when using the app, some more calendar display options and lots of tweaks and bug fixes you’ve reported over the last month - thank you! πŸ™

    Monday September 18, 2023
  • Finalist 1.2 was just updated to Beta build 14. Lots of small improvements over 1.1 so far:

    • Weather forecast on calendar peek overlay
    • New lock screen widgets
    • Interactive widgets and StandBy support for iOS 17
    • More task import and export options in the menu
    • More options which calendar events to show in Calendar Peek and Monthly tab
    • New haptics

    You can try the beta from our TestFlight page.

    Saturday September 2, 2023
  • Finalist 1.1

    Finalist 1.1 is now out, and 1.2 Beta is already underway. This time I’ll be focusing on iOS 17 features for Apple’s September release, with a few general improvements for everyone πŸ˜€

    Saturday August 26, 2023
  • Lots of improvements in 1.1 beta 54: 24-hour clock, non all-day event can now be shown on Monthly tab, more start and end day options for Daily tab and lots of small fixes. This build is also not going to be free anymore for new installs.

    Tuesday August 22, 2023
  • Finalist review from MacStories:

    Finalist is a new iPhone and iPad task manager that combines elements of note-taking apps, Kanban boards, and calendar apps in a unique and interesting way. The result is a lightweight app that’s simple and quick to use but unlikely to replace a fully-featured task manager for most users.

    Spot on!

    Tuesday August 15, 2023
  • Finalist is on Product Hunt today πŸŽ‰

    You can vote for it here: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/finalist

    Tuesday August 15, 2023
  • The long Finalist 1.0 beta is over! *

    Download it now from the app store and let me know what you think. It is free for a limited time!

    *Beta 1.1 is starting asap πŸ˜†

    Monday August 14, 2023
  • Build 45 has smoother task editing, swapped date info in headers, animation for Lists (still has some quirks). Release is getting close - if you haven’t pre-ordered, you can do it at https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/finalist/id6447014685, it will help the launch πŸ™

    Wednesday August 2, 2023
  • Build 44 (hammertime edition) fixes various foibles in data entry on iOS 16 and 17, improving vertical date line in Monthly, tweaking spacing and adding horizontal Today line to Monthly.

    Monday July 31, 2023
  • Build 43 adds faint drag handles to tasks, removes empty tasks on keyboard Done, workarounds for animation bugs in iOS 17 (not all)

    Sunday July 30, 2023
  • Build 41 (now version 1.0.3) fixes some list ordering errors, reverse sorts Lists tab, optimizations and animations improvements, new Add Below button, adding Copy to clipboard to single tasks and task lists.

    Friday July 28, 2023
  • …and version 1.0.2 was just approved and ready for pre-orders πŸ˜…

    Monday July 24, 2023
  • Finalist Daily To Do List

    Finalist is a slick and simple way to keep track of your daily tasks. Imagine a daily task sticky note, but that works on your phone and syncs with your calendar.

    Every day gets a list. Swipe through your days to view and add tasks. See your whole month on one page.

    Pre-order today for free and get lifetime of perks. Join TestFlight for an early peek.

    Monday July 24, 2023